Unit 7: Universal Gates and Physics of Integrated Circuits [8 hours]
Universal Gates, RTL, and TTL gates, Memory Circuits, Clock circuits, Semiconductor purification: Zone refining, Single crystal growth, Processes of IC production, Electronic component fabrication on a chip.
Some Basic Logic Circuits of Computers
- Introduction
- Rudiments of Boolean Algebra
- Electronic Logic Circuits
- Semiconductor Gates
- NAND and NOR Gates
- Other Gates, RTL and TTL
- Memory Circuits
- Clock Circuits
The Technology of Manufacturing Integrated Circuits
- Introduction
- Semiconductor Purification: Zone Refining
- Single-Crystal Growth
- The Processes of IC Production
- Electronic Component
- Conclusion
Universal Gates and Physics of Integrated Circuits Notes
Complete Handwritten and PDF Note of CSIT, 1st Semester Unit 7 Physics: Universal Gates and Physics of Integrated Circuits:
Boolean Algebra:
Universal Gates:
DTL and RTL:
Universal Gates and Physics of Integrated Circuits PDF Notes
Download PDF of Universal Gates and Physics of Integrated Circuits: B.Sc. CSIT Physics Unit 7 Notes: