Battle Of The Oranges: Class 10 English

Class 10 English note 2080 Chapter 2: Battle of the Oranges Exercise Question Answer, Grammar, Reading Writing Solution guide.

Battle Of The Oranges

Class 10 English Guide 2080, Chapter 2: Battle Of The Oranges Exercise Question Answer Grammar Writing Reading solution note.

Check: SEE Class 10 Model Question 2080/2081

Reading I

A. Match the words with their meaning.

a. mush – iii. a soft thick mass of mixture

b. jerk – v. to make something move with a sudden short sharp movement

c. concussion – vi. a temporary loss of consciousness

d. hurl – i. to throw something violently in a particular direction

e. pulp – vii. the soft part inside the fruits and vegetables

f. clutch – ii. to hold something tightly

g. sip – iv. to drink something, taking a very small amount each time

B. Write ‘True’ for true statements and ‘False’ for false ones.

a. The tourists are informed to wear a red hat through public notices. True

b. Aranceri seem dressed in Doctor Whoesque costumes. True

c. When a cart approaches, aranceri run away from the square. false

d. The narrator feels bored during the festival period. false

e. The volunteers encourage the visitors to join the battle. false

f. The narrator accepts Massi’s offer. false

C. Answer the following questions.

a. What does the red hat symbolize?


The red hat is a symbol of the carnival itself and also represents freedom, as it was historically worn by slaves who had been freed and by peasants fighting against feudal lords during the Middle Ages.

b. How does the narrator feel when she wipes her face?


The narrator feels shocked and worried when she wipes her face, as she initially thinks the substance she sees is blood, which causes her to fear she may need medical attention.

c. What does the square look like after an hour-battle of the oranges?


After an hour-battle of the oranges, the square is covered in a thick layer of orange pulp and horse manure, creating a sludgy and messy scene. The mixture emits a strong and pungent odor, which can be described as sharp, sweet-and-sour.

d. How do aranceri members chase the cart?


The aranceri members chase the cart by running behind it and throwing oranges at it.

e. Does Silvia enjoy this carnival?


Yes, she does. She says that this is the moment they wait for all the year, and carnival is good for their psychological health.

f. Why does Massi say, “Forget the nets.”?


Massi says “Forget the nets” because he believes that if people want to truly experience the carnival, they need to be in the middle of the battle.

D. You might know about some unique festivals like “Battle of the Oranges”. Collect some information about any one of such festivals.


La Tomatina

La Tomatina is a unique festival held in the town of Buñol in Spain. It is a giant food fight where participants throw tomatoes at each other. The festival takes place on the last Wednesday of August every year and attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world. The origins of the festival are unclear, but it is believed to have started as a food fight between friends in the town square in the 1940s. Today, the festival has become a major event, with trucks bringing in over 100 tons of tomatoes for the participants to throw. The event begins with the “palo jabón” where people climb a greased pole to reach a ham at the top. Once someone reaches the top and knocks the ham off, the tomato fight begins. The festival lasts for an hour, and after the tomato fight, participants wash off in the nearby river.

Grammar I

A. Change the following sentences into indirect speech. The beginning of each sentence is given.

a. “Are you working tonight?”

Agaman asked Timothy if he was working tonight.

b. “Is this the road to the station?”

A stranger wanted to know from me if that was the road to the station.

c. “Did you do your homework?”

My friend inquired her if she had done her homework.

d. “Have you been to Paris?”

The tourist was asked if he had been to Paris.

e. “How long have you been working in this company?”

Usha inquired Anuj how long he had been working in that company.

f. “What flavour ice cream did you have at the pary?”

My mother asked me what flavor ice cream I had at the party.

g. “Have you studied reported speech before?”

The teacher wanted to know if they had studied reported speech before.

h. ” Where will you stay tonight?”

I asked him where he would stay that night.

i. “How many players were shown yellow card by the referee?”

Sumangal asked his friend how many players had been shown yellow cards by the referee.

j. “What magic did the medicine have on the patient?”

Sarita wanted to know from Sommaya what magic the medicine had on the patient.

B. Change the following remarks into reported speech.

a. Kritika asked me, “why did you go out last night?”

Kritika asked me why I had gone out the previous night.

b. “Who was that beautiful woman, Usha?” said Sunita.

Sunita asked Usha who that beautiful woman had been.

c. “How is your mother?” said Gaurab to Yang Dolma.

Gaurab asked Yang Dolma how her mother was.

d. My friend wanted to know, “What are you going to do at the weekend?”

My friend asked me what I was going to do at the weekend.

e. “Where will you live after graduation?” said my teacher.

My teacher asked me where I would live after graduation.

f. Anusha said to Melisha,”What were you doing when I saw you?”

Anusha asked Melisha what she had been doing when she had seen her.

g. I said to the pilgrim, “How was the journey?”

I asked the pilgrim how the journey had been.

h. “How often do you go to cinema?” said Krishna.

Krishna asked how often I went to the cinema.

i. “Do you live in Patan?” said the Principal.

The Principal asked if I lived in Patan.

j. Niraj said to Luniva,”Did Phadindra arrive on time?”

Niraj asked Luniva if Phadindra had arrived on time.

Writing I

Write an essay describing a festival which is celebrated in your community. Include its brief history, people involved, major activities, religious or social importance, duration, and drawbacks, if any.


Teej: A Festival of Love and Devotion

Teej is a Hindu festival celebrated in Nepal, particularly by women. The festival is usually celebrated in the month of August or September, and it lasts for three days.

The history of Teej can be traced back to the Hindu mythology, where the festival celebrates the reunion of Lord Shiva and his consort Parvati. According to the legend, Parvati observed a strict fast and prayed to Lord Shiva for a husband. After years of penance, Lord Shiva accepted Parvati as his wife, and the day of their reunion is celebrated as Teej.

The celebrations of Teej in Nepal involve women fasting for the longevity of their husbands, and unmarried women fasting for a good husband. The major activities during the festival include singing, dancing, and feasting on traditional delicacies. Women dress up in red and green attire, and they adorn themselves with jewelry. The festival is also marked by the swinging of swings decorated with flowers.

Teej has both religious and social significance in Nepal. The festival promotes the bond between husband and wife, and it celebrates the strength of a woman’s love and devotion. It is also a time for women to come together and celebrate their sisterhood. Teej is a time for reflection and introspection, and it encourages women to be strong and courageous in the face of adversity.

However, the festival is not without its drawbacks. The strict fasting during Teej can be physically demanding, and it can have adverse effects on women’s health. In recent years, there has been a growing awareness about the need to celebrate Teej in a safe and healthy manner, by following the traditional practices while also taking care of one’s health.

In conclusion, the festival of Teej in Nepal is a celebration of love, devotion, and sisterhood. The festival has a rich history, involves women of all ages, and has both religious and social significance. While there are drawbacks associated with the festival, the community has started taking steps to celebrate it in a safe and healthy manner.


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About the Author

Iswori Rimal is the author of, a popular education platform in Nepal. Iswori helps students in their SEE, Class 11 and Class 12 studies with Complete Notes, important questions and other study materials.

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