NEB Class 12 Marketing Syllabus 2080

NEB Class 12 Marketing Syllabus 2080. New latest NEB Syllabus of Marketing Subject (Mar. 308) for NEB Exam 2081. Latest Marketing Curriculum.
NEB Class 12 Marketing Syllabus 2080
NEB Class 12 Marketing Syllabus 2080

NEB Class 12 Marketing Syllabus 2080

Complete Syllabus of NEB Class 12 Marketing for NEB Exam 2080.

Check: NEB Class 12 Marketing Model Question 2080 (With Solution)

  • Subject: Marketing
  • Grade: 12 
  • Subject Code: Mar. 308 (Grade 12)
  • Credit Hour: 5
  • Annual Working hours: 160


Marketing has become essential in all sectors of business like agriculture, industry, banking, insurance, hospitals, and other social organizations. It has become the subject of serious concern, discussion and application in national as well as in international arena. These days, marketing has been followed not only as a business strategy but also as a business tactics to win the confidence of customers in a more competitive arena. A large number of industrial and commercial undertakings came into existence in the country. As a result, Nepalese business sector has become more complex. This situation has created a greater demand for the implementation of marketing philosophy in the country not only in the business and education sectors of Nepal, but also in daily life of consumers.

This marketing curriculum is designed to provide a fundamental conceptual principles and practices of marketing. It shall also be useful for the students pursuing a career at the front line marketing jobs such as sales-persons, sales representatives and supervisors as well as those who pursue small business. It will further introduce students the major functions involved in the marketing process of a business organization in order to prepare them for university education. The curriculum has been structured for two years as for Grade 11 and 12.

The course in Grade 11 basically includes the general areas of marketing; whereas, the course designed for Grade 12 includes basically the components of marketing mix, which if properly integrated, gives a suitable marketing program to marketers for making right decision in marketing fields. In addition, it also includes the social aspect of marketing. It incorporates the level-wise competencies, grade-wise leaning outcomes and scope and sequence of contents, suggested practical/project activities, learning facilitation process and assessment strategies so as to enhance the learning on the subject. 

Level-wise competencies

This course on marketing aims to develop the following competencies among students: 

1. Describe the key marketing concepts and skills 

2. Perform situational analysis to assess market opportunities 

3. Gather, analyze and draw conclusions from market and environmental data 

4. Define the marketing elements needed for a successful product offering 

5. Develop the capabilities to generate and manage small business independently 

6. Enhance creativity and competency in the changed situation 

7. Develop foundation knowledge in relation to marketing functions of business organization 

8. Identify the emerging issues and tools of marketing 

9. Develop the conceptual frame and relation of marketing with ethical value

10. Describe the prospect of social responsibility in marketing 

11. Assess the marketing environment such as economic, demographic, socio-cultural, competitive, political-legal, ecological, and technological issues associated with marketing practices 

12. Explain the marketing principles to be followed in different business situations 

13. Describe and utilize the art of selling

NEB Class 12 Marketing Subject List:

Class 12 Marketing Subject Chapters

Class 12

1. An Overview of Marketing
2. Product
3. Pricing
4. Distribution/Place
5. Promotion
6. Emerging Issues in Modern Marketing
7. Marketing Ethics and Social Responsibility
8. Developing Salesmanship Skill

Class 12 Marketing: NEB Latest Syllabus 2080

Unit Chapters Contents
1. An Overview of Marketing (2 hour) 1.1 Concept and importance of marketing,
2. Product (20 hour)

2.1 Meaning and definition of product

2.2 Levels of product

2.3 Classification of products; Consumer and industrial products – Types of consumer and industrial goods and their features

2.4 Branding: Meaning of brands and trade mark; Importance of branding; Types of brands; Reasons for not branding products; qualities of good branding

2.5 Packaging: Meaning and features, functions, levels, types of package, importance of packaging

2.6 Labeling: Meaning, types and functions of labeling

2.7 Field/industrial visit and class presentation

3. Pricing (12 hour)

3.1 Meaning and definition of price and pricing

3.2 Forms of price

3.3 Objective of pricing: Profit-oriented, sales-oriented, and status quo objective

3.4 Importance of pricing – to the firm, customers, society and nation

3.5 Pricing allowances and discounts: Meaning and types

3.6 Factors affecting pricing: Internal and external factors

4. Distribution/Place (22 hour)

4.1 Meaning and definition of distribution

4.2 elements of distribution: Distribution structure, channels of distribution (Review of agents, wholesalers and retailers) and physical distribution

4.3 Distribution structure for consumer and industrial products

4.4 Channel conflicts and conflicts resolution/settlement – Resolution through mitigation, conciliation, arbitration, and litigation

4.5 Physical distribution and logistics management: Meaning, objective and components

4.6 Importance of transportation in distribution system

4.7 Importance of warehousing in distribution system

4.8 Field visit and class presentation

5. Promotion (20 hour)

5.1 Meaning and definition of promotion

5.2 Objective or role of promotion in marketing

5.3 Importance of promotion

5.4 Components of promotion/promotion-mix: Advertising, personnel selling, sales promotion, publicity, and public relations

5.5 Advertising: Meaning, features and importance of advertising; types of advertising, advertising media and social media

5.6 Personal Selling: Meaning and importance, types of sales process: indoor sales and outdoor sales

5.7 Sales Promotion: Meaning and importance of sales promotion; methods of consumer promotion and trade promotion

5.8 Publicity and public relations: Meaning, features, tools, and importance of publicity and public relations

6. Emerging Issues in Modern Marketing (20 hour)

6.1 Agriculture marketing: Meaning and features; problems and prospects of agricultural marketing in Nepal

6.2 Industrial marketing: Meaning and features; problems and prospects of industrial marketing in Nepal

6.3 E-commerce/Internet marketing: Concept and method of e- commerce; meaning and features of internet marketing; use or importance of internet in business

6.4 Telemarketing and televised marketing: Meaning and features of telephone and televised marketing; problems and prospects of televised and telemarketing in Nepal

6.5 Other special fields of marketing –

  • Services marketing
  • Export marketing
  • International marketing
  • Global marketing

6.6 Field visits and class presentation

7. Marketing Ethics and Social Responsibility (12 hour)

7.1 Meaning of marketing ethics and social responsibility

7.2 Ethical behaviour in marketing

  • Morality
  • Ethical decision making
  • Ethical guidelines

7.3 Social marketing functions

  • Survival
  • Profitability
  • Services to customers
  • Obligations towards employees, the community, customers, and the public
  • Eco-friendly activities

7.4 The cost of ignoring social responsibility

  • Rejection of company's products by customers and society
  • Damage of company goodwill
  • Barriers to organizational growth
8. Developing Salesmanship Skill (12 hour)

8.1 Meaning and definition of salesmanship

8.2 Origin and development of salesmanship – The ancient persuasive act, origin of markets for exchange, origin of travelling salesman, emergence of shops, influence of guilds regulations, origin of commercial adventurer, emergence of honesty in selling, creation of buyers' awareness, and increasing importance of consumers

8.3 Role of salesmanship in marketing

8.4 Salesmanship as a science, an art, or a profession

8.5 Selling as a psychological phenomenon

8.6 Qualities of a good salesman for successful selling – Sales personality, physical traits, mental traits, social traits, and character traits

Total 120 hours

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About the Author

Iswori Rimal is the author of, a popular education platform in Nepal. Iswori helps students in their SEE, Class 11 and Class 12 studies with Complete Notes, important questions and other study materials.

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