Summary of Neighbours by Tim Winton | Class 12 English

Tim Winton's Story Neighbours Complete Summary for Class 12 English. The story explores themes of identity, belonging and acceptance.

This article has the Class 12 English Summary from the story, Neighbours.

Tim Winton's short tale "Neighbours" is about adopting false judgments. This tale has demonstrated the idea that linguistic and cultural differences have no impact on human relationships.

Summary of Neighbours by Tim Winton | Class 12 English


    1. About the Author's
    2. Story Character's
    3. Setting of the Story
    4. Message of the Story
    5. One sentence Summary
  1. Summary
    1. Short Summary
    2. Long Summary
    3. Summary in Nepali
    4. Exercise of Neighbours

About the Author's

Tim Winton, full name Timothy John Winton, (b. 1960) is an Australian author of both adult and children’s novels that deal with both the experience of life in and the landscape of his native country. He competed with 35 other novelists for The Australian Literary Award presented for the best unpublished novel manuscript and won the prize in 1982 for his manuscript An Open Swimmer. His novels include That Eye, the Sky (1986), Dirt Music (2001), and Breath (2008). He also wrote several children’s books, including Lockie Leonard, Human Torpedo (1990), The Bugalugs Bum Thief (1991), and The Deep (1998). This story ‘Neighbours’ has been taken from Migrants of Australia edited by Harwood Lawler.

Tim Winton's Neighbours Summary
Author Tim Winton

Story Character's

    • The Man
    • The Women
    • The Polish Widower
    • The Macedonian family

The Man: He is one of the story's main characters.He recently married the woman.He writes thesis.The man and his wife have relocated to a new location.

The Woman: She is also a major figure in this story.She recently married this man.She is employed in a hospital.The woman and her spouse have relocated to a new location.

The Polish widower: He is one of the neighbors.He resides on the couple's right side of the house.He hammers nails into wood logs for no obvious purpose.His objective appears to be to annoy his new neighbors.

The Macedonian family: The couples' neighbors.The mother, father, and child constitute up the family. They live on the couple's left side of the house.They are really noisy.They frequently disturb the freshly moved couple due to the noise they produce.

Setting of the Story

The Story takes place in a Moreton Bay Neighbourhood.

Message of the Story

Cultural and linguistic barriers cannot stop people from showing love and affection.

One sentence Summary

It is a story about a newly married couple living in a multicultural and multilingual suburb neighborhood.  It shows that cultural and linguistic barriers cannot stop people from bestowing love and compassion.


Short Summary

Tim Winton's story 'Neighbours' is about a newly married couple who live in a multicultural and multilingual suburb neighborhood. It demonstrates that cultural and linguistic differences cannot prevent individuals from expressing love and compassion.

A young couple shifts to a new neighborhood crowded with European migrants. Before moving here, they resided in the huge outer suburbs.

A yelling, shouting Macedonian family lives next door on the left. On the right, a Polish widower spends his days hammering nails into wood just to take them out again.

While his wife works in a hospital, the young guy is working on a thesis about the evolution of the twentieth-century novel. At first, he and his wife do not speak to anyone.

The pair begins kitchen gardening in the autumn. Their activities are attracting the notice of the neighbors. They provide guidance on spacing, hilling, and mulching. The young man dislikes the interruption, yet he pays close attention to what is stated.

Soon later, the couple constructs a hen coop. The Polish widower rebuilds the hen coop for them after it falls.

The young couple's preference for their neighbors increases with each passing day.

Despite not having planned for it, the young woman becomes pregnant in the spring. The couple discovers that the entire neighborhood is aware of the pregnancy. People keep smiling at them.

Everyone in the neighborhood gives the couple assistance and advice. They are really friendly. People in the neighborhood are happy for them and wish them well after the birth of their child. The birth of a kid is a marvel for the young man.

Finally, he recognizes that the twentieth-century book did not adequately prepare him for this.

Long Summary

In the Australian city of Moreton Bay, there was a newlywed couple who had just moved into a new area. They used to reside in a suburban neighborhood where they rarely interacted with their neighbors.

The new home of the couple was located in the same neighborhood as a Macedonian family on the right and an elderly Polish widower on the left.

The couple, who were new to the neighborhood, felt uncomfortable and unwelcome due to the Macedonian family's loud talks and the Polish widower's pointless hammering.

The couple's residence had small rooms with high ceilings. Its windows were paned as well. The residence had the appearance of a beautiful cottage. The couple also owned a collie-type dog. The window of the man's study allowed him to glimpse the park of the neighbourhood.

Even after a few months, the neighbors and the new couple's relationship was not good. The pair had a habit of sleeping in. The young man cooked and stayed at home. The woman, who was also the man's wife, was a nurse.

The couple's neighbors didn't like the fact that the man stayed at home and the woman worked outside. They anticipated that the woman would remain at home while the man would be working outside.

The couple considered tidying up their property and beginning a farm as autumn approached. They did this after manuring the soil. Plants such as leeks, onions, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, and broad beans were planted. Unexpectedly, neighbors approached the fence and gave suggestions for mulching, hilling, and spacing.

Despite not enjoying the intrusion, the man took note of all the suggestions. They also received a sack full of garlic cloves to plant from the woman with the large black eyes and big arms.

After some time, the couple tried to build a henhouse, but they failed. Uninvited, the Polish widower assisted them in building it.

Winter arrived as time went on, and the pair began to smile back at their neighbors. They began spending time with their companion and began to enjoy them. Additionally, they traded gifts.

The couple now felt proud to be a part of their community particularly when their parents visited. The pair had also raised Muscovies, a mute type of duck.

After few months the woman became pregnant. It was not a planned pregnancy. They were not expecting to become parents at such young age. Then the woman planned for maternity leave.

The neighbors learn of the young woman's pregnancy right away, begin to smile at the young couple, and offer them assistance, presents, and helpful advice. They are very fond of the new couple.

The young couple's celebration includes the neighbors. That friendliness is unfamiliar to the young couple. He noticed 12 joyful faces wishing him well when he walked outside to gather firewood.

After a tough period, a boy was born. Outside, he heard yelling. To the back door he went. When he saw the faces, he began to sob with happiness as he understood how much his neighbors loved and cared for him.

The young man is shocked to see that everyone in his neighborhood is celebrating the birth of a new baby boy. Finally, the young man breaks down in tears to see his neighbors celebrating the birth of his child. It turns out that his viewpoint on immigrants is incorrect.

The narrative illustrates the idea that despite having diverse languages, customs, and lifestyles, people from all backgrounds and origins may coexist happily. The importance of human relationships surpasses all other aspects.

Read: Neighbours Exercise Class 12 English

Summary in Nepali

 Class 12 Neighbours Summary In Nepali

PDF of Nepali Summary is given as:

What are Covered in this Summary Post?

  • About the Author's Tim Winton
  • Neighbours Story Character's Class 12 English
  • Setting of the Story "Neighbours"
  • Message of the Story
  • One sentence Summary
  • Short and Long Summary
  • Summary in Nepali

About the Author

Iswori Rimal is the author of, a popular education platform in Nepal. Iswori helps students in their SEE, Class 11 and Class 12 studies with Complete Notes, important questions and other study materials.

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