Unit 3: Fundamentals of Atomic Theory [8 hours]
Blackbody radiation, Bohr atom, Spectrum of Hydrogen, Franck-Hertz experiment, de Broglie's hypothesis and its experimental verification, Uncertainty principle and its origin, matter waves and the uncertainty principle, group velocity
The Beginning of the Quantum Story
- Introduction
- Blackbody Radiation
- The Photoelectric Effect
Atomic Models
- Introduction
- The Rutherford Model
- The Spectrum of Hydrogen
- The Bohr Atom
- The Franck-Hertz Experiment
Fundamentals Principles of Quantum Mechanics
- Introduction
- De Broglie's Hypothesis And Its Experimental Verification
- Nature of the Year
- The Uncertainty Principle
- Physical Origin of the Uncertainty Principle
- Matter Waves and the Uncertainty Principle
- Velocity of the Wave Packet (Group Velocity)
- The Principle of Complementarity
Unit 3: Fundamentals of Atomic Theory Complete Notes
Fundamentals of Atomic Theory Complete Notes PDF:
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