Unit 4: Methods of Quantum Mechanics [5 hours]
Schrodinger theory of Quantum mechanics and its application, Outline of the Solution of Schrodinger equation for H-atom, space quantization and spin, Atomic wave functions.
Physics for Computer Science Students Pdf Book Download: 1st semester CSIT
An Introduction of the Methods of Quantum Mechanics
- Introduction
- The Schrodinger Theory of Quantum Mechanics
- Application of the Schrodinger Theory
Quantum Mechanics of Atoms
- Introduction
- Outline of the solution of the Schrodinger Equation for the H Atom
- Physical Significance of the Results
- Space Quantization
- The Spin
- The Atomics Wave Functions (Probability Densities of Electrons)
- Pauli's Exclusion Principle
Unit 4: Methods of Quantum Mechanics Complete Notes
Complete note of methods of Quantum Mechanics PDF: