Unit 5: Fundamentals of Solid State of Physics [6 hours]
Crystal Structure, Crystal Bonding, Classical and Quantum mechanical free electron model, Bloch theorem, Kronig-Penny model, Tight-binding approximation, conductors, insulators and semiconductors, effective mass and holes.
Crystal Structures and Bonding in Solids
- Introduction
- Crystal Structures
- Crystal Bonding
Free Electron Theories of Solids
- Introduction
- Classical Free Electron (CFE) Model
- Quantum-Mechanical Free Electron Model (QMFE)
Band Theory of Solids
- Introduction
- Bloch's Theorem
- The Kronig-Penny Model
- Tight-Binding Approximation
- Conductors, Insulators, and Semiconductors
- Effective Mass
- Holes
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